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Showing posts from May, 2020

Why you need a professional document management solution today

Why you need a professional document management solution today Storing physical documents can cost  organizations   nearly $30 per document . And that cost is only going to increase as the cost of office space in our cities continues to rise. With this in mind, effective document management in today’s business is vital. Without it, you’re potentially leaving your business exposed to a whole host of issues, ranging from high costs to security risks. Let’s take a moment to look at some of the key issues. Physical documents In this highly digital age, it may seem surprising that many businesses still rely heavily on physical documentation in their day to day business activities. Recent research has revealed that as much as 95% of business information is recorded on paper-based documentation. That raises some big challenges. How do you securely store all these paper-based documents? Can you store these securely onsite or do you need to buy expensive storage in a specialist facility? There’

How to meet the challenge of collaboration for your remote worker

We’re entering an unprecedented era for business. As we transition from groups working in central locations, to teams spread far and wide, working practices are changing too. We’re experiencing the  biggest shake-up of working practices   since the introduction of the personal computer. People who have never worked from home are now doing so; people who worked remotely once a week now do it five days a week – some for the foreseeable future. Indeed, some of the changes we face  may even be permanent .  This isn’t just difficult for individuals. Businesses are faced with a serious challenge: how do they adapt now-obsolete working practices and continue to support their people? Humza Teherany, Chief Technology and Digital Officer at Maple Leafs Sports & Entertainment (MLSE)  shares how MLSE has navigated COVID-19 and remote work enablement through the support of Ricoh’s video conferencing and collaboration tools .  In the first of our  New World of Work Speaker   Series , Humza share

A critical eye on critical communications

A critical eye on critical communications Would you do your taxes on 3-lined paper? Or fill out legal documents with a crayon? Or write your bank account information on the outside of your deposit envelope? You probably wouldn’t. These are all critical communications in your everyday life, and you handle them with the appropriate amount of care. You use the proper forms and protections to ensure that these vital documents get to where they need to be, in the format they need to be in. And yet, there are scores of these critical communications in businesses all over the world that are printed like they’re just any other document — and that could bring significant trouble for companies who don’t pay these communications the care they deserve. What do we mean by “critical communications?” Think payroll, statements and cheques. Or letters sent to new accounts. Or press releases. Or legally required communications sent to patients and clients. Regulatory letters. Notices. These types of com

Case Study : Department of Ecology—State of Washington

Department of Ecology—State of Washington Ricoh Helps Transform a State Department’s Print Environment into an Information-rich Workflow ABOUT THE CUSTOMER  Talk about a lofty mission The Department of Ecology for the State of Washington is charged with protecting, preserving and enhancing Washington’s environment—while promoting the wise management of its air, land and water. All to maintain the state’s quality of life and protect its natural resources for current and future generations to come. Workers at the department proudly embrace this mission every day as they serve everyone from rural farm families to suburbanites to urban dwellers. While its purpose is lofty, it takes a down-to-earth strategy to improve the flow of information throughout the department’s main headquarters and four regional offices. There are budgets to consider and government protocols to follow. Individual workers have their own way of doing things and often resist business process change. In the increasingl

Why your Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan Aren’t the Same Thing

Why your Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan Aren’t the Same Thing The CEO, CFO, and CIO are meeting to discuss the state of the organization. The company is located within a coastal city and the CEO has concerns about how prepared they are given the inherent risks of their geographic area. The CFO tells the CEO, “Don’t worry, I’m developing a Business Continuity Plan that will outline everything necessary to keep the lights on.” The CIO then says, “Well, I’m developing a Disaster Recovery Plan that will do that as well.” The CEO looks perplexed. Why are my CFO and CIO performing the same work and why are they calling it by two different names? The truth of the matter is that he should only be concerned if these plans are being developed in parallel without any input between the CIO and CFO. Two Plans with Different Goals and Timelines Within contemporary corporate culture, Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) have started to be used interchan

Case Study Millersville University

Case Study Millersville University Selling more than boxes, Ricoh helped Millersville navigates print migration quickly, cost-effectively.   ABOUT THE CUSTOMER   Millersville University is a top-ranked public university located in central Pennsylvania. With more than 8,700 students and nearly 900 faculty and staff, the university requires an extensive fleet of output devices throughout its scenic campus. The university is one of 14 in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) and follows state-approved procurement guidelines. Ricoh worked closely with the university to implement a print migration strategy and equipment upgrade that improves efficiency and reduces the total cost of ownership.   CHALLENGE Ricoh was awarded the contract for digital multifunction products (MFPs) for the 14 state universities in Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). The timing was perfect when Ricoh representatives arrived on the campus of Millersville University.   “The p

How to use office printer safely post lockdown or during pandemic?

There were a few days to go for the end of the lockdown imposed due to COVID pandemic. Indian economy had gone into mythical Kumbakarna style sleep with vitals or essential goods being allowed to be transacted, while it was either suspended animation or enforced hibernation in other economies.   Churanlal was a wholesale distributor of pharmaceutical products. He was not a diehard adherent of either Allopathy, Ayurveda or Homeopathy. He believed only in what he called “profitopathy” ie., he would sell any products that would fetch profits for him and therefore he stocked all types of profitable medicines.   Recently, he had diversified into another profitable business of developing apps for the help of patients. The architect of the app was his trusted lieutenant Ajay Dev. He studied computer science during graduation but yearned to become Sherlock Holmes and therefore dabbled in all fields of science in his pastime. Whatever he did, it oozed with passion. So much so he believed th

Run, grow, transform… and ultimately propel your business into the digital future

Run, grow, transform… and ultimately propel your business into the digital future Almost any business operating today has undergone some form of digital transformation in recent years. It’s a series of sprints within a marathon, and companies need to keep up to stay competitive. As a leader in your company’s IT department, how do you balance upgrading the day-to-day functions to keep your business operating with the desire to push your business in new directions digitally? It is possible, but only with a solid strategy and lots of work. In recent years, a model of managing IT in an enterprise—called the RGT model, it “supports IT portfolio planning and investments in IT products and services”—was developed in the industry. RGT stands for run, grow, transform—the three buckets that IT work usually falls under while supporting a company’s strategic objectives. Let’s examine these three themes: Run This theme is all about the day-to-day—the bones of your compa

10 etiquette tips for successful change management

10 etiquette tips for successful change management “The only thing that is constant is change.” – Heraclitus Anything living is always changing until the day it dies — even in organizations. So why is there such a high rate of perceived failure when it comes to managing organisational change? Recent research reveals that only 16 percent of digital transformation change programs succeed 1. We’d all better improve our average now, because in the new world of work, the pace of change is only increasing — and it’s affecting the very foundations of the business world. Look at the sharing economy or “collaborative consumption” business models. While no one can predict exactly what will happen next, we do know change is happening faster — and businesses need to have visibility and be ready and able to direct or respond. Here are ten etiquette tips for effective change management: 1. Simplify change Change is about people being willing to embrace something different.