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My Monthiversary at WeP

Think back to your first day of school (that you can remember) and take a moment to relive some of those feelings: excitement, happiness, curiosity and maybe a little fear. There were a lot of new faces and a very few familiar ones which helped ease the initial panic. 

Now, fast forward to “adulthood” and starting a new marketing position at WeP had the “first day of school” feelings resurfacing. Only this time, there are no familiar faces. It’s mentally and physically exhausting wondering if I am going to fit in, wanting to make a great impression and also exciting because I believe I have a lot to offer and align my career path with the company goals

The excitement far outweighed the other elements, and I was very happy to find a professional work environment that supported my personal goals and emphasized personal growth and company growth in tandem. I knew I could bring a lot to the role of marketing manager, and there was a lot of potential for growth and learning.

Even though there was enormous opportunity, being the “new kid” isn’t easy. I was nervous about how the transition was going to go, and knew I had to act quickly to understand the ins and outs of the brand, produce results and assimilate into the new company culture gracefully.

So, how did I successfully (I presume so) transit into the new marketing role? Below are a few areas I worked upon:

Familiarizing with as many aspects of the company, as quickly as one can as this will have a huge impact on the transition. Understanding the story behind the Company, the types of customers it serves and the primary goals and objectives. The environment in which we work in on a daily basis will dictate certain behaviours, processes and action. I believe its important to identify what’s appropriate, how the team works.

Once I got a clear understanding of what company stands for, how it provides solutions to our customers and day-to-day processes and procedures and become an active participant in the system. I started to share news, exciting updates and spread the word on social media.

Finding a mentor is a great way to get advice on situations and experiences and my manager has been the biggest support for the same and has been open to my suggestions and experiments.  He has been in the system for long and has been having immense tolerance for my innumerable questions and always provides an opportunity to increase knowledge and skills.

While I felt safe to just sit back and slowly get acquainted with new surroundings, team members and job duties, one constant reminder in my mind was to step outside of comfort zone and taking initiative to make connections. I attended all the meetings, and had my questions answered in the meetings, made weekly visits to interact with IS team and in constant communication and easily reachable to sales team, to figure out how our team can help them. Putting myself out there helped team get to know me better, and in turn produce results together.

Last, but definitely not the least, I am enjoying being myself. Staying true to myself has helped my co-workers get to know me and has created genuine connections which will always improve collaboration down the time and enable me to perform my best!

Scripted by:-
Nandini Ramesh 
Marketing Manager
Dt: 10-02-2020


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