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How to work from home during quarantine and to stay insane

How to work from home during quarantine and to stay insane
At first glance, working from home may seem like a paradise: you don’t have to spend time on the way to the office, your favorite sofa is on your side, there are no traditional disputes about open windows and air conditioners turned on, as well as an employee who distracts the whole open space with his personal conversations on the phone.
Here they are - ideal conditions for productive work. But no - it is in these details that those devils are sitting who can destroy the whole working spirit. A few points you should pay attention to so that everything goes as it should in the home office mode.
Keep the mundane:
It is advisable to keep the usual daily routine. Get up at the same time that you’re used to, despite the fact that you don’t need to get to work now: it’s better to spend free minutes and hours on charging, reading news and a measured breakfast, which you can finally afford.
No matter how tempting the possibility does not seem to get out of your pajamas, it’s better to get out of it. Of course, you should not follow a strict work dress code at home, but it makes sense to highlight a couple sets of casual clothes that you can change into.
Rituals are an important part of our lives, and it’s easier not to destroy existing habits than to develop them again later. In addition, a tidy look will help to tune into a working mood.
You should not turn your bed into an office, as ideally the bedroom and kitchen should remain free from work areas. If possible, give yourself one specific place in the apartment where you can equip a temporary workplace, and do not drag the laptop from the chair to the sofa, but from the sofa to the kitchen, closer to the snacks.
Work processes
Many work from home causes a shock, because it is unclear how to properly organize their work. Now you will not call colleagues in the meeting room and you will not go to the neighbouring department to clarify the details. Frightened by isolation from colleagues, and vague ideas about how to report on the work done.
Any business has its own nuances, which will be easier to take into account by the specialists themselves. But a few general recommendations will help at least not to succumb to panic, not to feel abandoned, and most importantly, to optimize work from home to the maximum.
Agree with your colleagues how you will keep in touch: meetings on Skype, Zoom and other services that allow for video conferencing.
Confirm the time for morning phoning to discuss plans for the day, distribute tasks and just wish everyone a good day! Such a ritual will not only help organize your day, but also give confidence.
Do not be afraid to once again write in a working chat in order to clarify something or ask for advice, continue to communicate with colleagues as if they were sitting next to you. If your team has an informal and friendly atmosphere, agree to get in touch with video calls and, for example, at lunch time, just to chat.
Try at home to follow the same system that was developed in the office, solving problems in the usual way. Write yourself to-do lists, trying to link them to specific time periods: for example, before lunch, I will analyze all the mail, and after that I’ll take up a report or presentation. This approach will help maintain a clear work schedule.
Don't be so sad
The situation of sudden quarantine is stress. Not so much because of the disease itself, but because of the drastic changes. We can swear at traffic overcrowding, traffic jams and the frantic pace of life as much as we like, but as soon as all this was taken from us, even introverts were depressed. Still, socialization, someone less, someone more, is always needed.
As we already advised above, do not stop regularly communicating with colleagues, call up friends and share your emotions from self-isolation, discuss with them the funny memes that you saw today on the network: calm and good mood, as you know, also affect the state of the immune system , and now she must be strong.
Come up with new traditions for family leisure: from simple tea drinking to pack of cards. Surround yourself with pleasant things: unpack new bedding that was “waiting in the wings” in the closet, put fragrant sticks, turn on your favourite music.
Well, there’s an advice that you could see repeatedly and get tired of it in order (here you would have to figure things out, what a hobby!), But nevertheless: do something that did not have enough time before. Communicate more with your child, read all the books you bought in a fit, take on a foreign language, watch cult films or performances online!
Scripted by:-

Nandini Ramesh 
Marketing Manage


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