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Showing posts from February, 2020
Strengthen your workplace culture through random acts of kindness The scientific benefits behind acts of kindness include an increase in energy, happiness, lifespan, pleasure, serotonin and the love hormone! Likewise, being kind can also decrease pain, stress, anxiety, depression and blood pressure. Recently, we celebrated Mahashivaratri at WeP solutions Bangalore and since it was a working day and many of us were fasting, HR and Management had arranged for fruits and refreshments in every floor and was made accessible to all employees to keep us supporting throughout the fast. I would definitely say that this made a huge difference and this random act of kindness was appreciated. This is a testament that practicing kindness daily should be done without thought or consideration. So how can we incorporate the practice of kindness within our daily lives? Since the majority of our time is spent working, it is easy to get caught up with high work priorities– to a point where we lo
Campus Conditioning WeP as a company is known for nurturing the new talents and being one of the growth-oriented industry, we have been visiting the colleges to provide an opportunity to the fresh talents to make their career in this competitive field. Every year we run a campaign called Campus Conditioning through which we reach out to best and suitable colleges in India to hire their best students. We reach the campus at the beginning of the recruitment drive to select the appropriate candidates for the position on hire since reaching late would result in the best candidates getting hired by other firms visiting the same campus. After crafting a good assessment tests to evaluate the candidate’s overall skills and talent, only the best candidates are shortlisted, and others get filtered out. This time, being the 14 th batch of Campus Conditioning and having built a Brand Value, we are giving out an opportunity to the candidates from remote locations, who are from governm

Understanding Colour

Understanding Colour What is Colour? Color is all around us. It is a sensation that adds excitement and emotion to our lives. Everything from the clothes we wear, to the pictures we paint revolves around color. Without color; the world (especially RGB World) would be a much less beautiful place. Color can also be used to describe emotions; we can be red hot, feeling blue, or be green with envy. In order to understand color, we need a brief overview of light. Without light, there would be no color, and hence no RGB World. Light is made up of energy waves which are grouped together in what is called a spectrum. The light that appears white to us, such as light from the sun, is actually composed of many colors. The wavelengths of light are not colored, but produce the sensation of color. Visible light –   The wavelengths our eyes can detect is only a small portion of the electromagnetic energy spectrum. We call this the visible light spectrum. At one end of the v

My Monthiversary at WeP

Think back to your first day of school (that you can remember) and take a moment to relive some of those feelings: excitement, happiness, curiosity and maybe a little fear. There were a lot of new faces and a very few familiar ones which helped ease the initial panic.   Now, fast forward to “adulthood” and starting a new marketing position at WeP had the “first day of school” feelings resurfacing. Only this time, there are no familiar faces. It’s mentally and physically exhausting wondering if I am going to fit in, wanting to make a great impression and also exciting because I believe I have a lot to offer and align my career path with the company goals The excitement far outweighed the other elements, and I was very happy to find a professional work environment that supported my personal goals and emphasized personal growth and company growth in tandem. I knew I could bring a lot to the role of marketing manager, and there was a lot of potential for growth and learning. Ev

Ricoh Consistently Awarded Highest Gold Rating in EcoVadis Global Supplier Survey Since 2014

Ricoh Consistently Awarded Highest Gold Rating in EcoVadis Global Supplier Survey Since 2014 TOKYO, January 31, 2020  - Ricoh Company, Ltd. has received the highest Gold rating in the sustainability survey conducted by EcoVadis. Since receiving the first Gold rating in 2014, Ricoh has consistently received the highest rating in the survey. EcoVadis assesses suppliers from 155 countries and across 198 business sectors on corporate policies, initiatives and achievements in areas concerning the Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. Ricoh submitted its sustainability data to EcoVadis for evaluation and was ranked within the top 5% of all companies surveyed. Today, many global companies are eager to improve sustainability across their entire supply chain. In fact, the sustainability performance of suppliers has become an important factor for supplier selection. It is also becoming increasingly common that customers often ask us to submit our